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Below are pdf files of certain pages in the textbook that we will be using.  Click on the pages you need, and you will be able to see them on your computer.

p. 8-11 (chapter 1, section 1: Asking About Life)

p.12-18 (chapter 1, section 2: Scientific Methods)

p.20-21 (chapter 1, section 3: Tools and Measurement)

p.52-55 (chapter 2, section 1: Characteristics of Living Things)

p.56-57 (chapter 2, section 2: Necessities of Life)

p.114-119 (chapter 4, section 1: The Characteristics of Cells)

p.120-127 (chapter 4, section 2: Eukaryotic Cells)

p.128-133 (chapter 4, section 3: The Organization of Living Things)

p.148-151 (chapter 5, section 1: Cell Energy)

p.234-237 (chapter 8, section 1: The Study of Earth's History)

p.238-244 (chapter 8, section 2: Relative Dating)

p.246-249 (chapter 8, section 3: Absolute Dating)

p.264-269 (chapter 9, section 1: Looking at Fossils

p.270-274 (chapter 9, section 2: Earth's Changing Continents)

p.276-282 (chapter 9, section 3: Time Marches On)

p.298-304 (chapter 10, section 1: Change Over Time)

p.306-311 (chapter 10, section 2: How Does Evolution Happen?)

p.312-317 (chapter 10, section 3: Natural Selection in Action)

p.332-337 (chapter 11, section 1: Sorting It All Out)

p.338-343 (chapter 11, section 2: Domains and Kingdoms)

p.360-363 (chapter 12, section 1: What Is a Plant?)

p.364-367 (chapter 12, section 2: Seedless Plants)

p.368-373 (chapter 12, section 3: Seed Plants)

p.374-380 (chapter 12, section 4: Structures of Seed Plants)

p.396-399 (chapter 13, section 1: Photosynthesis)

p.400-403 (chapter 13, section 2: Reproduction of Flowering Plants)

p.424-429 (chapter 14, section 1: What Is an Animal?)

p.430-436 (chapter 14, section 2: The Animal Kingdom)

p.438-443 (chapter 14, section 3: Invertebrates)

p.444-449 (chapter 14, section 4: Vertebrates)

p.472-475 (chapter 15, section 2: The Skeletal System)

p.496-501 (chapter 16, section 1: The Cardiovascular System)

p.502-507 (chapter 16, section 2: Blood)

p.508-511 (chapter 16, section 3: The Respiratory System)

p.526-533 (chapter 17, section 1: The Nervous System)

p.534-540 (chapter 17, section 2: Sensing the Environment)


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